Saturday, January 26, 2013

Ten Thoughts On Being Mentored

Most mentors worth their weight in gold or salt are busy. That means they don't have time to take your calls 24/7 and if they do have that kind of time, they're not worth their weight in salt or gold. Tips on being mentored:

1. Read what they write
2. Go where they are; listen and observe from afar
3. Wait to be invited to the table; do not bogard your way to the "front of the line"
4. Volunteer if they run a non-profit; make yourself useful
5. Pray for them and seek their highest good
6. Follow advice you solicited and don't ask for another piece of advice until you do that last thing you asked them about (or at least give an accounting for why you decided to go another way--mentors are not gods, but they are wise and if you thought enough to ask for their advice, you ought to give it due diligence)
7. We learn from mentors by coming along side them, not sitting down with them (for the most part)
8. If a mentor is "too busy" for your liking, learn from that too. If you have time to pout about their level of busy, maybe you're not busy enough. And, if they really are too busy, maybe they are not your "close" mentor
9. Mentors come in all ages and stations of life; don't miss one because you're so bent on another
10. Be interested in life: theirs, yours, life in general... consider the ant... and learn from it... be a learner and mentoring will happen in the flow of your life


© Valerie Bridgeman
January 26, 2013

In response to someone on how to approach mentors

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