Monday, January 14, 2013

Always Something

Jaha says, "There's always something to write about."

Today I don't know what to write about
except I promised myself that I would
write everyday, something, even if it were gibberish
even if it were nonsensical
and meaningless and full of shit
I am writing because my fingers need
the keys to click, need the words
to show up on the screen
need to be alive with the notion
of writing of creating of saying
what's in my heart, even if today
I don't have the courage to say 
what that is

(Like: I just got off the phone with a friend
and I want to talk about that really with another friend
but the tension among us all is too great and that makes
me sad. When I am asked what I want, I say I want my
friends to love each other, which leads to the accusation
that I am trying to force my way onto the world. But I'm
a grown woman. I know we don't get what we want
all the time. But if you ask me what I want, I'm always
gonna say that I want my friends to get along,
to love each other as much as I love each of them
and to enjoy the gift of Love that I offer and that I am)

Yeah, there is always something
to write. Just don't know if I can
get it out tonight.

(c) Valerie Bridgeman
January 14, 2013

1 comment:

  1. I am writing because my fingers need the keys to click. My favorite line. That was me today. Seriously I listed the contents of my purse because my fingers, my ears needed the keys to click. I love that you said so much in the parenthesis of this poem. And isn't that what poetry really is anyway? Love you.
