Friday, January 25, 2013

Little Girl Work

"My little girl is afraid and my grown-ass woman self can't seem to step up to help her..." (me to a friend)

I climbed  the crab apple tree 
in Gran Gran's back yard, 
without skinning my legs 
or scraping them across the bark 
my cousins watched
my agility to reach 
the highest branches
without getting scared
and when I reached
thin branches, I jumped 
from one limb to the other
with no hands to prove 
I wasn't afraid as Ron 
and Esther and Kevin
looked on before they joined me

(they wanted to make sure hands' free tree climbing was possible)

 taught all the other McKinneys 
and Scotts and Bridgemans
how to walk the rails
and jump off trestles just before
the train turned the bend
he was the thrill seeker, the rest of us
enamored by his fearlessness, 
how crazy it was to risk
life and limb on the highest
section of the tracks near
Mr. Gross's farm and how
landing in a sea of cotton looks
soft, but it's brutal the way the
bolls prick open skin and we
left our DNA, red, on white rows

my little girl/grown-ass woman
try to remember grasp of wood
tremble of rails underneath
nimble feet and strong hands
the decision to climb or jump

© Valerie Bridgeman

January 24, 2013

(edited for first person (Valerie) on January 27, 2013)

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