Thursday, April 4, 2013


You can't draw back
give up stand still
stop plotting planning
the exits from a world 
of fear of hatred
a world built on the notion
that some people
are expendable
you can't slow down
except to check the 
directions or catch
your wind for the next
sprint toward freedom
you can't quit
because of who you are
in the movement
because of what you represent
in your life, with your life's work
by whom you love and how
you are important because
you exist and are the
next step the movement takes
its breath its being
you're the reason people
pay attention to the currents
the winds of time
you are its weather vane
and compass
you point out the direction
we must head
and if you sleep
we will all be sluggish
drugged and unable 
to move
if you  move
we move
if you stand still
the movement
becomes a memory
a monument to something
that was, stagnant
its all on you
its all on you
don't look for anyone
else to lead to decide
and move your feet
pray and keep walking
pray and don't stop
no matter what happens
don't stop moving
to a future
where all of us
are free

© Valerie Bridgeman
April 4, 2013

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