Monday, April 15, 2013


silence is a weapon, sharper than knife
quicker than silver bullet
will make a vampire stop in her
tracks, remind her she is bloodsucker
undead not worth life

silence can punish better than
40 lashes than water boarding
can make agent orange
seem like red Koolaid
like watermelon dripping down
chins down arms; silence
can make electric chair
look like chaise lounge
like rocking chair to rock
to eternal sleep

silence can accuse and prosecute
for not being perfect, for making
grossest mistakes that ends

silence can say
you no longer exist to me

better than a text message
than note to self 
than note to

silence shouts I don't care 
what happens to you 
why don't you do us all a favor and die

silence makes the voices in your head
loud insistent true
say you are no good 

 are not worth forgiving
committed unpardonable sin

silence whispers
you take up too much 
room on the planet
why don't you yield your space 

to someone who matters

silence can beat
the very breath soul
out of you 

make you feel like
what's the use of going on
it can manipulate
you into the truth that
anything is better than you

© Valerie Bridgeman
March 28, 2013

EDITED April 15, 2013

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