Saturday, February 2, 2013



Definition: a break in time and reality in which what was will never be again and what is has no connection to the past. Sometimes things change that can never look like it did before.

My gut churns as I am sad
that I am the catalyst for this great change
this shift that broke a chain of love
of faith, of trust
a trust that can not be regained
or rebuilt… something new
will have to take its place

“Because we tell each other the truth”
has been our mantra and now we know…
I did not tell you the truth
I withheld information about your life
about my life that affects you
us.. and now.. there will be no
Us, no US… no you and me, no we 
together on the couch, cuddled
up with chocolate smell on breaths
in the air, the scent of expectation
of want and there will be none of
that because I have no courage for this truth
no ability to speak it, no way to know
how to explain the selfish thoughtlessness
I had, how drunk on love
the intoxicant that inhabited me
until the day words slapped
me sober… from a stupor that had
me playing in the traffic, putting
everyone’s life at risk, 
drivers and fool

But drunks are reckless
never know just how much havoc
they wreak until the air fills
with the stench of betrayal
of secrets cracked  for open display
of the meat of walnut seeds
vulnerable without their shell

I am vulnerable, but I am the one who did it to myself

reckless with the most precious gift I’ve had in a long time—
self-destructing and taking the valuables with me
like many an addict, out-of-control snorting our gain away
In stolen chats and conversations, reveling in our love
like a tale told around coffee tables,
gibly speaking of something so precious
 it should be handled only with the gentlest of care
and with permission
which I did not have

I am silent in the face of truth, 
chastened by my own insensitivity
 to your survival, to your life
This question gut-quick, and I am windless
I am sorry, but sorry is not enough. 
Confession is not enough.

I must make amends. How?
And then… how will I be with you?
How will you ever trust me again? 
How will I trust myself?
And so I am silent. Brooding, even.
I am quiet in the face of “it,”
the shit I’ve caused internally 
even if there’s been 
no external
dust up.

I wanted,...
but these things are too much to want
and so I sabotaged possibilities
for us to be here, in this space,
each for a lifetime.
I’ve been drunk and reckless 
with the "want to" of it all.

And so I sit contemplating 
unfolding the ugly of my drunken binge; 
my gorging and purging on love
the gory and prurient details
I have awakened with this hangover,
trying to figure out what to do with my life
how to be in my skin
how to live among my own kin
I just figurred out
I don't want to be
the secret

© Valerie Bridgeman
February 1, 2013

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