Thursday, May 30, 2013


We talk for a good, long time
about how our soul aches
when we read news
or see names of people
killed, brutal
and we know nothing
we write will fix it
we talk about how we bleed
internally and how we wish
we didn't feel it all so much
and about how we descend
into a hell of depression
the moment after we
read it and we were so
happy just a moment before
and how we can't STAND
the letters "K" and "P"
and how we know we're
the only two people 
who will get that
disdain for alphabets
we listen close
breath soft
worry together
because we need
each other to be
okay and in this moment
neither of us are convinced
that we are
but we stay on the phone
until we can believe
we will be

© Valerie Bridgeman
May 29, 2013

POSTED ON May 30, late, but still got it written #beingkindtome