Wednesday, April 10, 2013


"Sometimes the most courageous thing to do is to do nothing." ~ Toby D. Sanders, Pastor of The Beloved Community

Don't just stand there
Do nothing
make no sudden move
don't call write 
even think
about what you should
could do to fix it
make it better
Be courageous
and let it shake out 
it will

trust Universe to 
do what it do
and be who you 
are and try
your best not 
to mess it up
Stand still like
Mother May I
and never hear
the magic words

"some times the most courageous thing
to do is to do nothing"

© Valerie Bridgeman
April 10, 2013


  1. Happy day ONE HUNDRED! I love having a partner like you on this poetic journey this year!

    1. I want to be a poet like you when I grow up. I just keep writing. Thank you for your companionship and your friendship and and and ... on the journey, the encouragement. You make me think I can find my rhythm and reason again... I've had more "misses" than "hits" so far, but I promised myself I would write, regardless.

  2. That's how I feel...more misses than hits. I'm just loving myself for staying in the game. My plan next year is to work and rework the hits from this year. Maybe.

    1. LOVING MYSELF for staying in the game... I don't have a plan for next year. I want to see if I can consistently show up in the world THIS year as a poet. Trying on new and wonderful things and trying, always trying, to tell myself some truth that will free me. Thank you for being here as witness, champion, and guide.
