Wednesday, July 3, 2013


For Jaha

We are half-way there
on the poem-a-day trip
of our lives, pushing ourselves
to brinks of truth-or-dare and
please care about what's happening
in the world people, I mean--why are
you posting about candy when
babies are burning up in houses
being shot in minivans--get some
perspective, people poems

I am thankful for the journey
With you—not just of poem
But of prayer, of conversation
Of laughter, of tears, of breathing…
Please breathe
Of promise to each other
Of encouragement
Of ain’t no stopping us now
Of love, always love
We cannot help but write of love
Speak of it, want for it,
Long together, pray for it
In us, for us, for all the world
In spite of the world, always love
You have been my greatest gift
These five years
The discovery of time
We thought we lost
As aunt/as niece
Time stored up for
Deep, deep late-night,
mid-day what-are-you-doing-
can-you-talk-now moments
The I can’t take another
Day of world gone bad
Moments, I want you whole
Moments, breathe, just keep breathing
Moments, thank you for reading
Moments, thank you for caring
Moments, thank you for answering the phone
In this moment… for answering in every way.
Thank you.

© Valerie Bridgeman
July 3, 2013

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